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John Klimek

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Nov. 15, 2019





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Do I need my original key fob for push-button start? (ie. do I need to carry two key fobs?)

I have a 2021 Honda CR-V that uses push-button start. I'd like to add the EVO-ONE (or similar) so I can have longer distance remote starting. However, do I still need to carry the original key fob?


Where to install remote starter antenna? Under rear view mirror/camera?

I have a 2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid and I've successfully installed the EVO-ONE and it works perfect.  I'm now adding an RFK912 RF kit.


Where is the best place to install the antenna?


Usually it's placed at the center of the windshield behind the rear view mirror, but the RAV4 has a camera/radar box there.  Can I safely remove the box and install the antenna inside it?  Should I place the antenna outside (and next to) the box?


Also, is it easy to remove the rubber around the door frame to route the antenna wire from the main ECU area (where the remote starter is) up to the rear view mirror area?


Thanks for any help!


Automatic lights do not work after install on 2018 RAV4

I've just finished installing the wiring on my 2018 RAV4 XLE Hybrid and now the automatic lights do not work.


NOTE: I've only connected the wires and the EVO-ONE is not connected yet.


I'm using the Fortin THAR-TOY6 harness and I've connected everything exactly as described in the manual:


1) Purple wire to (+) STARTER.  (soldered connection)
2) White/Black wire to (-) START/STOP.  (soldered connection)
3) +12V and GND wired to OBD2 per manual.  (used Posi-Tap connectors;  there is absolutely no way to pull OBD2 connector far enough out to solder wires behind connector)
4) "A" harness/passthrough connected to Main Body ECU.


I do not have an EVO-ONE yet but I wanted to finish the wiring.  All car functions still work properly except the automatic lights.


What can I check to see why they are not working?  I was extremely careful during installation and can't imagine why it's not working except that I don't have the EVO-ONE installed yet.



Harness for OBD2 connector? (re: +12V/GND) ...and do I need IDLE MODE wire?

I'm installing an EVO-ONE with T-harness into my 2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid. However, the installation manual ( shows an optional wire for "IDLE MODE" that connectrs to the wiring behind the PTS button? It says optional but what am I missing if I don't connect it? Is it worth connecting? Also, even though I've purchased the T-harness, the instructions show that I need to connect to the OBD2 wires for +12V and GND. Do I need to cut these wires behind the OBD2 connector or is there an easier or other recommended place to connect the wires?


EVO-ALL versus EVO-ONE? Should I just buy EVO-ONE?

I'd like to install a remote car starter into my 2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid (PTS).  According to this website, both the EVO-ONE and EVO-ALL will work.

However, only the EVO-ONE supports the DEI DSM550 (aka Viper VSM550).

Should I just purchase the EVO-ONE instead of the EVO-ALL?

Am I correct that the EVO-ONE can do everything that the EVO-ALL can do plus more?  ...or can the EVO-ALL performs certain functions that the EVO-ONE can't?



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